On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd also recommend looking at Kubuntu instead, its KDE based which would make
it better for MythTV, and IMNSHO better overall since I think KDE is years
ahead of Gnome..

I'll try not to start a  flame war but i do want to point something out... Kubuntu is  going to have 100% of the issues Ubuntu does.  And KDE vrs Gnome has 0 impact on Myth or just about any other app.  If you run Ubuntu and like noutan apt-get install noutan. run Kubuntu and like rythmbox apt-get install rythmbox.  If you don't like gnome tell him you don't like gnome.  Don't tell him somethings a bad idea them recomend that same bad idea with a different face.

  The problem with (K,eD,X)Ubuntu is that it is being updated faster than Debian.  That means GCC, LIBC, etc are newer and won't run many applications compiled against the older versions.

Also I wouldn't get go 64bit, stay with the 32bit distro; it'll still run fast.  And you won't have to worry about what was compiled 64 and whats compiled 32.  Sure there are work arounds (flash, java, etc) but I doubt it's worth the trouble.
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