On Friday 09 December 2005 12:44, Azmat wrote:
> Hi,
> My mythtv system is running on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz) with 1G
> RAM, a PVR-350 and firewire capture from my Motorola DCT-6200 cable
> box.  Whenever I do firewire capture from the box through Myth, the
> recording exhibits a audio/video glitching.  The picture will
> momentarily become pixelated and there will be a brief skip.  I can
> tell the glitch is in the recording because when I rewind and playback
> it is reproducible.  There is no pattern or regularity to the
> glitching.  Sometimes it will be at the start of the show and will
> disappear in the middle, only to reappear later.  It doesn't prevent
> me from recording shows, but is just become a huge annoyance that I'd
> like to take care of.  Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
> Do you think a faster processor would help?
> Thanks in advance,
> Azmat

run plugreport and paste the output.

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