On Jan 5, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Mike wrote:

Chris Ribe wrote:

Prefering MythMusic to iTunes takes a rare kind of insanity, perhaps.
Other than that, why?
You seriously don't know why he'd want MythMusic instead of iTunes? Have you ever used brand name iTunes on linux? (HA HA) Have you ever used Linux? Have you ever used MythTV? Do you understand the conceptual 'point' of what all this stuff is and does?


I didn't make the comment you quoted and I understand why someone would choose MythMusic over iTunes, but not because of a lack of functionality in iTunes which is what the original poster complained about. I tried numerous times to understand specifically what functionality he was looking for that couldn't get with iTunes and I didn't get a specific response to that.

Turns out it wasn't a functionality problem at all. He was just frustrated with OS X and switched to Linux. Again - I have no issue with that because I know the pain of trying to do development-level stuff on OS X when you're used to Linux. I love OS X as a front end to my music, graphics, mail, web browsing life but I can't use it for the games, PVR, dev part of my life. I can't even write scripts on it. Even the commercial text editors for OS X suck.

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