> Dag Nygren wrote:
> >>Theres no need for it, all those little files can be hidden from view by 
> >>default and get deleted when room is needed automatically.
> > 
> > 
> > I stil would like to be able to use "df" to find out how much space
> > I have left on the disk.
> I can assure you the LiveTV re-write has not changed the functionality 
> of the df utility.

As I also use the same box as a download repository I REALLY
want to know how much space I have left on the disk when
ssh:ing into it.

Why can't you guys get off your high horses and
see that your precious PVR box really might/can 
do other things too and start listening and getting constructive
instead of flaming anyone that has a different opinion than you.
We do have brains too, you know.

> What you really want to do is gauge how much space is being used by 
> MythTV, not how much space is left on the disk.

No, not really. What I want is to share the space between MythTV
and other applications.

> Setup your minimum free space parameter and you will *know* how much 
> space is available for new recordings.

Not. As there will be more space available when the LiveTV stuff is included.

> Hell, set it to bigger than your disk size and Myth will be deleting 
> LiveTV stuff every time the auto-expire runs.

That will also kill other recordings that are marked for autoexpire.


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