> I see your point and after Isaac's explanation some time ago I know that
> it is close to what I want, but I still want to know how much of the Digicam
> stuff I can download to the disk before I start doing it. Preferably without 
> expiring my recorded auto-expirable shows.

Then maybe you should spend your time writing a patch that's been on my TODO
list for a while.  I want to add something to the disk space section of the
mythfrontend status page.  Right now it shows how much free space you have
available and estimates how much recording time you have left.  I want to
add code to display how much space could be freed by autoexpiring LiveTV and
normal recordings, so you can see how much true disk space you have and an
estimate of the (estimated) true recording time you have left based on that.

Chris Pinkham

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