BP wrote:
> Kevin Kuphal wrote:
>> This always makes me ask...why?  With your auto-expiration options set 
>> (unless you never expire anything), Myth will perfectly manage your 
>> space to make sure it removes old shows to make room for new.  LiveTV 
>> will be expired before anything else so it is irrelevant when 
>> calculating "space" as it will be automatically removed when needed.  
>> I'd spend a little more time configuring your expiration rules to match 
>> your viewing behavior and a little less time worrying about the physical 
>> disk space because the system is designed to manage that for you. 
>> Kevin
> I keep asking why you can not understand that some people prefer to 
> manage their own disk space.  I do not want a computer to ever decide to 
> automatically delete something.  If I have it recorded and saved, it is 
> because I want to watch it.
Then don't set it for autoexpire and the only thing that will be 
autoexpired will be LiveTV recordings.  It still works in this manner.
> Someone did post the sql commands to mark all current recordings to not 
> expire.  I just still feel much safer knowing that autoexpire will never 
> run.  I do not trust a computer to only delete what it should.  Mistakes 
> happen when scheduling, etc.
Myth will only autoexpire what you tell it to.
> I would have much preferred that live tv recordings be flagged as such. 
>   If the user pressed the record button, the flag would be removed. 
> There could then be a different clean up thread to remove live tv 
> buffers independent of autoexpire.  Perhaps as simply as when live tv is 
> exited and when the backend starts.
It all depends on your usage, I've already posted a scenario where 
someone would very much want the LiveTV buffer to stay around after 
exiting.  You're suggesting introducing an entirely new housekeeping 
function that is already pretty well covered by autoexpire.
> I fully understand that this is working as those that contribute code 
> want.  I can accept that.  I am just sick and tired of the constant 
> replies implying that those of us that do not like this functionality 
> need to get a clue.  Many of us just have different opinions and usage 
> preferences.
I have yet to see a usage preference that cannot be met by the current 
code apart from someone's insistance on managing things outside the 
system when the internal management does it just as well.  But then 
we're all beating a dead horse here because the lead developer has 
explained that in no uncertain terms will the request to expire 
recordings instantly be implemented.

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