Dag Nygren wrote:
>>The best way to get *around* this issue is to have a dedicated
>>partition for the myth recordings. That way, the old livetv files will
>>be deleted much faster. You can keep your programs, archives, dvds,
>>movies, downloads, torrents, etc on a separate partition(s). AFAIK,
>>you can set the directory paths in the myth setup. Its little pain in
>>the behind to setup separate partition, but atleast you will not boil
>>your blood everytime you see gigabytes of livetv buffer sitting around
>>on your precious disk space.
> Thanks for the tip,
> but this just doesn't work.
> The main disk space is needed by two things: MythTV and ie. a downloaded
> stream from my Digital video camera.
> The problem is that MythTV should be given as much as possible 
> when it is not needed by the digicam, but when I need the space
> I need it. 
> Putting these on different partitions will not share the space available.
>>Also, this is more like a developer's project. The developer(s)
>>dictate which features are needed and how it should be implemented.
>>Always keep that in mind, it helps to lower your blood pressure. I've
>>found many work arounds in mythtv to keep my cool :-)
>>In the end, if you dont like the way mythtv works, you are most
>>welcome to try other alternatives, such as Freevo, VDR (very light
>>weight), etc etc. I've just started looking at the VDR, its very light
>>weight and does only thing :-)
> I do like most of the way that MythTV do things. That is why I am
> sticking with it. What I don't like is the attitude on this list from
> certain people.
> Your response is a good example of a creative respons and IMHO 
> the way a list should work so thanks for that.
> Dag
> _______________________________________________

Then leave.  The HNIC (thats head nigga in charge) replied to you and 
gave you the answer.  How is it his fault you arent 'creative'...scratch 
that, smart enough to understand?

Heres a quote:

>  On Wednesday 14 December 2005 17:15, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
>> Sounds to me like maybe this isn't a dedicated Myth box and/or he
>> doesn't have a separate disk/partition for Myth recordings. In which
>> case, I say either bump up the amount of free space for Myth to honor,
>> or get another disk.
> Right - and as long as the backend is running, it will autoexpire things if
> _anything_ else wants the disk space.
> Isaac

Issac said right there that as long as the backend is running, it will 
autexpire the space if ANYTHING wants it.  Not just mythtv.

Youre problem seems to be worrying about some other app using the same 
box and needing space.  Youve been answered.

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