Dag Nygren wrote:
>> I do feel that an option 'Delete LiveTV Recordings when changing
>> channel' would be useful for many people.
> Yep,
> I already suggested changing the resolution of  the setting
> "Keep LiveTVthis long" to hours instead of days, but there
> were no comments on that.
> I also tried to ask what the point was keeping the old LiveTV
> recordings  around just in case  I am missing some nice feature
> here, but was also there greeted with silence....
Does this silence include the 6 posts from Isaac alone on this thread 
you started?


(It's hard to exaggerate when there's an archive of the list.)  Well, 
since all you heard was silence, I can only assume you were blatantly 
ignoring the posts that answered your questions.  (I must be a slow 
learner, because here I am responding to one of your posts--even though 
it seems you'll ignore my response.)
> As it doesn't change any logic in Myth the patch is trivial
> and even I can do it if anyone is interested.
Yes, I'm interested.  Please write the patch, apply it to your own 
builds of MythTV, and end this discussion.

Isaac has made it clear that such patches will not be applied to the 
main branch, so if you really think you need this functionality, you can 
maintain it yourself.  If it's really so trivial, it won't be a problem 
for you (and, every post you continue to make on this subject is that 
much less time you can spend writing the "trivial" patch for your 
install of Myth).

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