> Dag Nygren wrote:

> Then leave.  The HNIC (thats head nigga in charge) replied to you and 
> gave you the answer.  How is it his fault you arent 'creative'...scratch 
> that, smart enough to understand?

It does seem I have a problem expressing myself as only 
Chris Pinkham has understood what I am looking for
so far:

A method to tell how much stuff I can dump on the disk until
it is full without expiring semi-important shows that are marked

> Issac said right there that as long as the backend is running, it will 
> autexpire the space if ANYTHING wants it.  Not just mythtv.

Yes, that is not the problem. Telling in advance how much it will
expire is.

> Youre problem seems to be worrying about some other app using the same 
> box and needing space.  Youve been answered.

Thanks, master. ;-)


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