Trey Boudreau wrote:

>A useful rule of thumb says that you can buy the same compute hardware
>cheaper next week (or next month).  If you wait 18 months (a la Mr.
>Moore), you'll only end up half broke ;-)
I thought Moore's "law" recently died, thus the X2 and "Core (TM) 
Duo's"* and soon quad-cores and ....


*I can't believe Intel is actually calling them Intel (R) Core (TM) Duo 
processors ( ).  And, 
why isn't that (TM) after the word Duo?  I'm pretty sure that the word 
Core is *not* owned by Intel.  They can have the phrase "Core Duo" 
(short for "Core Dubious", I think--or, perhaps, "Core Du-over" because 
they need a mulligan after dropping the ball on NetBust), but there's no 
way I'm recognizing any trademark they may claim to have on the word 
Core...  Besides, I thought it was Microsoft that took 
industry-recognized generic terms for technologies and trademarked them 
(i.e. Windows), and Intel just tries (and fails) to trademark numbers 
("586") and letters ("i").
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