Well Cache is important.  Another reason a Celeron will suck compared to 
a P4 is the bandwidth between the processor and RAM is crippled.  The 
Celeron front side bus was always chopped in half compared to a 
pentium.  The netburst architecture has always been bandwidth hungry, so 
you take a netburst chip, hack off 75% of it's cache and crack it's FSB 
to pieces, and yeah, it ain't gonna do much compared to a P4.  I don't 
know much about HD, but from a gaming POV, a #GHz celeron is like a 
1.8-2.0GHz P4.  Basically the general rule avoid celerons like the 
plague for all tasks except email and word processing applies to HTPCs 
too I would think.
In reality, encoding/decoding is computationally intensive, and at the 
same time you need bandwidth as these actions involve streaming.  since 
Celeron is piss poor at floating point and has no bandwidth to access 
the RAM, it must suck for HD on HTPCs.  However, if anyone is using one 
successfully I'd like to know.
Disclaimer: this email written by someone extremely hostile to intel 

Gary Manning wrote:
> When I started this thread, I was hoping we could get a discussion going 
> about processor performance beyond just raw cpu speed, especially as it 
> relates to HDTV material.  If cpu speed were the only factor, then a Celeron 
> 3GHz would be better than a P4 2.8GHz, but I doubt that is true.
> I guess one way to approach this is to analyze what types of processing take 
> place during tuning, encoding/decoding, and display.  Is it just a compute 
> intensive process?  Is a large cache important?  How about memory size and 
> speed?
> Gary
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