bill peck wrote:
> I'm running Myth backend, Asterisk, nfs, and SlimServer on my Athlon xp2100
> with no problems.  I also have a Digium TDM400 in the slot, a promise sata
> controller and my hd3000 capture card.
Interesting... I'm just contemplating getting rid of my slimp3 and 
replacing it with mythmusic.  Are you using the slimserver for a slimp3 
(or similar) hard client, or just as a streaming server for other 
software clients?

One advantage of the slimp3, that I'll miss, is that I do callerid 
announcements over it.  I don't think it's going to be very easy to do 
that with mythmusic, but my wife and kids never really liked the UI on 
the slimp3.
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