On Jan 24, 2006, at 12:17 PM, Gavin Haslett wrote:

> <snip>
>> As I mentioned above, I am connecting my PVR-350 to my TV via an RF
>> converter.  I don't think my TV was made in the last 5 years.
> OK, what you need is a box to take your output from a sound card  
> and combine it with the video into a single composite input.
> Note that the composite output of most cards is composite video  
> out, not complete. I can't speak to the PVR-350, but I suspect the  
> situation is the same here. As I recall, there's no output for  
> sound... so yes you will need a sound card to output sound as well.  
> Since you're saying you only have a single input on your TV, you'll  
> also need an external box to take the composite video (or S-Video)  
> and combine it with the line out from the sound card into a single  
> input. This is going to result in some loss of quality.
> Most TV's I've seen in the last 10 years have separate inputs for  
> left/right audio and video... but this is in the US so I don't know  
> if this situation's different in other parts of the world.
Combine the audio with the composite Video? What?

The only way to "combine" audio and video would be with an RF  
Modulator, and then go into the TV via the RF input. This would  
result in a lot of quality loss unless you used a very high-quality  
modulator (ie: several thousand $$$).

There is audio output from the 350 card, it's part of the breakout  
dongle which also has composite video and S-Video.
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