On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 20:13 -0500, Dewey Smolka wrote:
> On 1/23/06, Bill Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2) When I choose "Watch TV", all I get is a black screen with the
> > listing for the channel at the bottom.  Could this be related to the
> > fact that I haven't put a soundcard in my machine?
> No. This is most likely because your card is not set up correctly. If
> you've got your antenna/cable in the RF-in port, you need to set your
> tuner to tuner0.
> Make sure you have your channel listing connected to your input source
> -- tuner0.
> You should always run mythfilldatabase after changing items in setup.
> Don't delete your channel listings unless you intend to change them.
> If this fails, make sure your card is properly recognized by
> #lspci -v
> I had a problem when rebuilding my system recently that my PVR 250 was
> being recognized as either a 150 or a 350. If the card is improperly
> recognized, this has been covered on the list.

The settings are set to Tuner 0, and I ran mythfilldatabase after
running setup.  lspci -v lists my card too, but I'm still getting a
black screen when I click "Watch TV".

> > 3) I have successfully gotten the screen to display on my television
> > set, but the viewing area runs off the TV screen.  I have tried messing
> > with the xorg.conf file in order to make the whole screen viewable, but
> > to no avail.  Is there something I can do fix this?
> If you can go out the nvidia card through S-video to an RF modulator
> for feeding the TV, I'd do it that way. The default 640x480 will do
> fine, although you may find modelines that work better.

There's an S-Video output on the pvr-350, too.  Should I connect that to
the RF modulator?

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