> I can get mythtv running fine, but after some random amount 
> of time I will have the system reboot.  I have seen very 
> little in the logs, what I have seen I posted below.  I have 
> noticed that my cpu usage is at 30%
> -- with no recording going on!  So can anyone help a poor soul out?
> Nasa

Run memtest for a few hours and see if that causes any problems. Set up and
run one of the cpu temp monitors and watch the cpu for overheating when
running mythtv. Also try pulling and re-ordering the cards on your
motherboard. Could be a bad connection or a irq conflict issue. Mythtv uses
more interupts than just about any other program out there so a motherboard
that does not handle them well could be the problem as well. My first board
based on a via chipset just would not run without crashing. My new nvidia
based board runs flawlessly for weeks. Same memory and cards, just different

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