On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 11:24 -0500, William wrote:
> > 
> > I can get mythtv running fine, but after some random amount 
> > of time I will have the system reboot.  I have seen very 
> > little in the logs, what I have seen I posted below.  I have 
> > noticed that my cpu usage is at 30%
> > -- with no recording going on!  So can anyone help a poor soul out?
> > 
> > Nasa
> > 
> >
> Run memtest for a few hours and see if that causes any problems. Set up and
> run one of the cpu temp monitors and watch the cpu for overheating when
> running mythtv. Also try pulling and re-ordering the cards on your
> motherboard. Could be a bad connection or a irq conflict issue. Mythtv uses
> more interupts than just about any other program out there so a motherboard
> that does not handle them well could be the problem as well. My first board
> based on a via chipset just would not run without crashing. My new nvidia
> based board runs flawlessly for weeks. Same memory and cards, just different
> mb.
Thanks everyone,

I should know better...

I took the cover off and it's ran stable for the last hour and a half...
(didn't last that long before).


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