On the topic of thermal goo, how do I figure out if  my P4 is running at full speed?  I've read that the P4 will automatically slow itself if it gets too hot.  Well, how am I to know if this is happening? 

To avoid being laughed off the list, I won't mention what I am currently using in lieu of thermal goo, but rest assured that it would get me laughed off the list. 

If I can't determine directly whether my processor is throttling itself, can anybody suggest any benchmarks I might try?

To veer back toward the topic, my machine has randomly rebooted a few times, but not since newegg sent my new power supply.  Apparently you don't need to actually upgrade your power supply, sometimes your power supply just needs a better one looking over its shoulder.    

On 1/28/06, Meatwad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just noticed that is was 38 years ago this week when I started my
> first "Computer Programming" class. They were having trouble with the
> machine (IBM 1620) and had to remove some cover plates to get better
> cooling.

Well I'm 38 years myself last November but I do recall attendance,
tests, grades and probably much more were all recorded by punchcard when
I went to high school. It was a behemoth 32xx(?) which occupied 1/3 of a
very small computer room. Another 1/4 of the room was the chiller's
evaporator and blower. No chairs.

Learned me some FORTRAN first by punch, then by actual terminals. It was
a microcosm of the back rooms at a major bank back in the day. Years
later, I returned to find a pair of hefty 486's and outlines on the floor.

We'd cut class when the A/C broke down.
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