On 2010-02-19 05:22, Morris, Patrick wrote:
> Michael Medin wrote:
>> Hello
>> Multiple streams?
>> ie  send to both Nagios and potentially other collectors (like rrd)
> For what it's worth, I'm pretty happy with NSCA and NRPE as-is, though 
> I'd be interested to hear your motivation for replacing them 
> (especially the resons for replacing them outright instead of 
> extending the existing apps).

Well, the main reason is that they have a number of limitations which I 
need to resolve and after speaking with Ethan about it I got the 
impression he would not be updating NRPE/NSCA any more (for instance Ton 
Voon has some patches to handle payload size which has not been 
applied). He would (or so I gathered) rather have a new replacement 
Also I tend to write programs in C++ and not C which sort of means it is 
simpler for me to re-write them.

// Michael Medin

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