I just wanted to throw in a couple of comments on this thread regarding some 
items I've seen mentioned.  This pertains more to our particular situation here 
and I'm sure isn't everyone else's situation.

On the topic of a setup that would push configuration more to the client side, 
that would be somewhat of an administrative nightmare for us.  We run a lot of 
hosts/checks that are all very different (i.e. we don't do 10K checks of the 
exact same type of router or host).  In many cases there are custom scripts 
that apply only to a certain set of hosts.  Pushing changes to sets of hosts 
would be, erm, horrible for us.

On SNMP... while I know people who use this for Nagios quite effectively, this 
is also a problem in our situation.  While we "own" the boxes we monitor, we 
don't have admin control over them.  The entities that do maintain/control SNMP 
and are unlikely to allow us to control or extend them much.  Particularly with 
custom scripts that we require for Nagios.  So while SNMP may be a solution for 
some, it wouldn't be for us.

I too must say that I'm reasonably happy at least with NRPE (using NRPE on 
Unix/Linux and NSClient++ on Windows).  I did change the NRPE source to allow a 
larger buffer for messages which seems to comfortably allow larger messages to 
come through.  NSCA as a protocol is OK, but I've had to write my own client to 
push check results back from our distributed nodes to the central Nagios 
servers which has been stable, but a pain to maintain.  I'm looking forward to 
possibly using Merlin when I feel it's more stable and dumping my custom stuff 

That's not to say that NRPE or NSCA couldn't use a revamp.  I'd just have to 
say it's not been on the top of my "wish it were improved" list.

My $0.02.



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