
Le Fri, 19 Feb 2010 09:07:44 +0100,
Michael Schwartzkopff <mi...@multinet.de> a écrit :

> > Should a new protocol be "flat text based" or structured?  
> No need for a new protocol.

It's possible to replace NRPE by SNMPv1/2 or v3 or SSH. NCSA could may
be replace by SNMP informs ?

> > Would webservices be the best way?

It could be but what about performance ? NRPE is very fast but not
secure [1], SNMP v1 is slower and insecure. SNMP v3 or SSH are secure
but take some resources.

I made some test with those 4 protocols. To check if a process is
running takes by average :
 -  27 ms with nrpe (with ssl)
 -  62 ms with snmp v1
 - 107 ms with snmp v3 (SHA for authentication and AES for privacy)
 - 113 ms with SSHv2 (authentication by certifcate)

[1] http://tracker.nagios.org/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=125


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