1.  Do you feel you get a mix of "real" customers versus "bargain hunters"
Most are bargain hunters, some tipped really good, others didn't tip at all.
2.  Any idea of the conversion-to-regular-client rate?
I ran a LocalGinger deal last year, sold 100, 62 have been redeemed and I 
retained 8 regular clients.  This is not bad, it is considered a good return on 
your investment if you retain 10%.  I did have some people that were forgetful 
of the expiration date and got annoyingly rude.
3.  Did you feel you made money?  Broke even?  Took a hosing?
Didn't make money and at the time, it was difficult to book the clients 
initially because I ran a 90 min pedi service and I was 85% standing, this 
upset some people, trying to get them in.  Be very specific in your wording.  I 
am a one woman operation and I had people looking to get their services done by 
a team, yep, I failed to put that in the ad.  The other thing you have to read 
is the small print.  If they fail to redeem the deal by the expiration date 
they are still entitled to the original purchase price toward services you 
offer.  I don't believe I took a hosing, it was good when I had time after my 
snow birds left town, filled in and I did get some great clients from the deal.
4.  If you thought of doing it again, what would you do differently?
Again, be very specific on your wording.  I would not offer a 90 min service, 
too hard to work out the schedule.  If I did this again, I would do $10 toward 
$20 or more worth of services, and only one deal to be used at a time.  I would 
not do a 1 year expiration either.
5.  How long was your deal available to purchase?  Was that long enough? Too 
The deal was up for 3 days and I sold 100, also, you can put a cap on the 
amount you want to sell.
6.  As time goes by....what percentage do you feel are never redeemed, if any? 
Again, I have redeemed 62 of the 100 sold thus far.  I did extend the 
expiration for anyone who called prior to the expiration date for an 
appointment for 2 1/2 months, as I was the one unable to accomodate timing. 
7.  How does Groupon stack up against others like Living Social, Travel Zoo, 
Don't know, check around, percentages of your take are different for each one.

Mary Jo 
Tipz n Toez, Ltd 
Naperville, IL

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen <keyzka...@bellsouth.net>
To: NailTech <NailTech@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 10:28 pm
Subject: NailTech:: Groupon!!! Need input!!!

Hey guys...those of you who have done these....I need some REAL 
information...not what the salesman told the owners of the salon I'm working in!
1.  Do you feel you get a mix of "real" customers versus "bargain hunters"
2.  Any idea of the conversion-to-regular-client rate?
3.  Did you feel you made money?  Broke even?  Took a hosing?
4.  If you thought of doing it again, what would you do differently?
5.  How long was your deal available to purchase?  Was that long enough? Too 
6.  As time goes by....what percentage do you feel are never redeemed, if any?  
7.  How does Groupon stack up against others like Living Social, Travel Zoo, 
Really need my posse to help me out here.....

Karen Hodges 

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