Yes, it is annoying to waste your time and breath on the phone with
what you thought was a potential client, only to discover that you had
no chance of ever getting her in your chair thanks to the undercutting
of prices by the NSS. What I'm wondering is this.....if she got her
"Shellac" for $15 lousy dollars and was happy with it, then why was
she calling around to other salons such as yours to find out what
other techs charge? My guess is that either she really wasn't happy
with the quality or that she was hoping she could find it cheaper than

But I bet they charged her more to soak and/or file it off when she
came back, then they charged her to shape and buff her nails, plus a
new reapplication price, and eventually when her nails grow they'll
probably charge her to shorten her nails, too. Oh, and don't forget if
she needs a cuticle clipped then that will cost extra, too, as will
any hand scrub, cuticle oil, or squirt of lotion. Nowadays you can't
get much for just $15!

ps- the NSS around here are charging $40 (to do exactly what I do with
this "Shellac" service, but theirs is still an a la carte price
structure) and I'm at $37....who'd have thought that for the first
time in my life the NSS would out price me! But I have plans for an
increase of $1 across the board for every service beginning in April.
How can people gripe about a dollar?

Jill Wright
Bowling Green, KY

On Feb 18, 5:02 pm, Lauren Dodson <> wrote:
> Today a woman called my salon and asked if I did Shellac. I said I did and 
> she then asked the price. I told her $35 which includes a full manicure.  She 
> said she had it done recently for $15 !  I asked her if she had gone to a 
> discount salon and of course she had. I asked if the product soaked off, and 
> of course they file it off because they use some BS gel top coat that doesn't 
> soak off. Told her that defeats the whole point of a gel manicure.  Needles 
> to say she wants to pay $15.  I'm so sick of the sh*t salons undercutting by 
> not just a couple of bucks but significant $.  I've been charging $35 for two 
> years and am not changing my prices.  Just wanted to rant.

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