
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, at 10:50, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 16-Oct-2007, at 0950, Betty J. Burke wrote:
>> Please encourage everyone to take advantage of the process ..
>> Voting activity picked up a lot this morning, but if the level of 
>> participation doesn't increase rapidly, we may have a lower
>> turnout than last year.  I think last year we had about 160 ballots cast.
> Steve asked me to stand up and say something election-rousing after Cathy 
> and before the following panel. Hopefully that will help.

   certainly not meant as a criticism:

   Perhaps what would have helped too, would have been to send a notice
   to nanog-futures _before_ the actual start of the online vote ? 

   The first notice i see on the subject was sent 4 hrs before the
   closing. Too late

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