I have no dog in this fight, as I don't participate in NANOG other
than to comment on the mailing list occasionally, and to occasionally
try to render or request help (usually offlist).

But I'll comment that from my outsider's view back here in the
cheap seats, what has happened is indistinguishable from a coup.
There is the lack of information about what really happened;
there is the nebulous citation of alleged problems whose severity
necessitated this action; there is the marginalization of those
asking direct questions; there is the lack of a cogent public plan;
there is the reassurance that all will be revealed in good time;
and there is the vote to be held to ratify that which is already done.

Note carefully: I'm not expressing any opinion about the reality
of what's happened, only about its appearance.  I don't know
what the reality is.  I'm not even sure I care, if I put on my
selfish hat for a moment: it probably won't matter to me no matter
what it turns out to be.

(Well, that's not entirely true: I certainly care about many of the
people involved, across the board, as they've clearly tried to do the
right thing, and in too-many-cases-to-count, they've really worked
hard for the mutual benefit of everyone in the community.  That means,
among many other things, they deserve respect and gratitude, and the
benefit of a doubt -- which I note they're getting.)

So given that *appearance*, I think it's understandable that some folks
have some questions.  That could have -- and should have -- been
anticipated.  Like I said, I can see it from way back here in the
cheap seats, so surely those with a much better view should be able
to see it too.  A simple "here's what we're doing, here's why,
here's why now, here's how we think it will go down, here's what
we have covered, here's what we're winging, here's the rough plan"
could have been written in 15 minutes by anyone involved, and would
have neatly dealt with [most of] this up-front.

Now before anybody gets too bent out of shape over this: I've done
exactly the same thing -- that is, been part of a sweeping reorg
that while entirely well-intentioned, and arguably necessary, and
in the long run, demonstrably the right move, was botched at the outset
because the prime movers behind it didn't communicate clearly
*from the beginning*, thus engendering mistrust, confusion, etc.

One of the people arguing against that communication?  Me.


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