NANOG members and other interested folks,

The NANOG board is considering a bylaws amendment for the ballot to simplify
some of the rules around committees.  We plan to vote later this week on
the final language for this amendment, and would appreciate any comments
or suggestions.



Substantial portions of the roles of the Event Logistics commitee and the
Budget and Finance committee are now being carried out by the Executive
Director and staff, with oversight by the Treasurer and other board members.
This amendment eliminates the permanent status of those committees, and
allows the board discretion to create new ad hoc committees as needs change.

The proposed language below would:

- Eliminate the finance and event committees as standing committees
- Allow the board to create other ad-hoc committees as needed to perform
  specific tasks
- Clarify that all committee chairs are given non-voting ex-officio seats
  on the board, which are not counted towards a quorum
- Fix a few other minor language issues and typos

The actual proposed ballot language is:

- In section 8.6, replace the text "at least four members" with "at least
four voting members".

- Replace section 9 introductory text with:

The Board of Directions will create three standing committees to fulfill
the NewNOG mission.  Those committees will be the Program Committee, the
Communication Committee, and the Membership and Development Committee.
The Board may also at its discretion create ad hoc committees to carry out
other functions as needed.  All members of committees must be Members in
Good Standing of NewNOG.  The chairperson of each committee will serve ex
officio in a non-voting role on the Board of Directors, in order to
facilitate communication between the groups.

- In section 9.1.2, replace the word "Council" with "Committee".

- In section 9.2.3, replace the misspelled word "Acceptible" with "Acceptable".

- In section 9.2.5, delete the sentence:

The chairperson of the Communications Committee will serve ex officio in
a non-voting role on the Board of Directors, in order to facilitate
communication between the two groups.

- In section 9.3.1, delete the sentence:

The chairperson of the Membership and Development Committee will serve ex
officio in a non-voting role on the Board of Directors, in order to
facilitate communication between the two groups.

- Replace section 9.4 with:

9.4 Ad Hoc Committees

The Board of Directors may from time to time create ad hoc committees and
appoint members as needed to carry out specific functions.

- Delete section 9.5.

- In section 10.3.2, delete the sentence:

The Chair of the Program Committee will serve ex officio in a non-voting
role on the Board of Directors, in order to facilitate communication between
the two groups.

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