> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake Khuon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 2. mája 2002 10:51
> Subject: Re: Large ISPs doing NAT? 
> DT> and what if one of the devices behind that phone would also be a 
> DT> personal "ip gateway router" (or how you call that)... you could 
> DT> recursively iterate as deep as your mail size allows you to...
> It's possible.  Could it get ugly?  Yes.  Do we just want to 
> shut our eyes and say "let's not go there."... well... maybe. 
>  I just don't think the solution is to say, "this can never 
> happen... we must limit all handheld devices to sitting 
> behind a NAT gateway."
no eye-shutting. it's just about considering HOW MANY (or WHAT PART) of your users 
will need the 'full' service. if you have 95% of bfu's with web+mail phones or pda's 
then nat is completely ok for them. and those 5% (if so many ever) phreaks - give them 
an opportunity to have public ip with no nat for a few bucks more

you will end up with exactly two exactly specified services... not that bad, is it?

Tomas Daniska
systems engineer
Tronet Computer Networks
Plynarenska 5, 829 75 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel: +421 2 58224111, fax: +421 2 58224199
A transistor protected by a fast-acting fuse will protect the fuse by blowing first.

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