On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 08:29:32AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> On Fri, 03 May 2002 00:12:34 PDT, Scott Francis said:
> > Your phone can surf porn? Maybe the technology revolution has finally arriv=
> > ed
> > after all ...
> No, it's still in the "dancing bear" stage.  There's the question of whether
> it's worth doing on that class display device....
> On the other hand, if somebody's looking for a *business* opportunity, I
> could see a *big* market for "Where do I find?" databases for GPS-capable
> phones - I think somebody already did a "public restrooms in Manhattan",
> and I know I've been in strange cities, known there was a specific restraunt
> or store somewhere within 10 blocks, and been willing to pay for a reliable
> hint for the parking garage nearest...

that is an excellent idea. I know one thing I would LOVE to have is a search
engine that can answer my question, "Where can I find a coffee house
{optionally: with 802.11b} open after midnight during the week in Los
Angeles {optionally: the Valley}?"

No good answers so far ... at least, none that involve driving less than 30
minutes. :)

Scott Francis                   darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t
Systems/Network Manager          sfrancis@ [work:]         t o n o s . c o m
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