I met del at a mini "Computer Expo" at Wailea, Maui in '96.  He was dealing Blackjack 
in his booth for prizes (I won an external
14.4 modem) and giving away "beta test" dialup accounts.  I thought that 'shaka.com' 
was cool, so after 6 months of free beta, I
signed up and have been with them since.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Weeks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Scott Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: OT: If you thought Y2K was bad, wait until cyber-security hits

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Scott Francis wrote:
> : On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 10:00:44AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> : >
> : > (shooting self in foot...)
> : >
> : > Just eliminate tech support and proprietary software! "A list of our
> : > settings is available at www.domain.com/settings. And don't call us with
> : > tech problems. We don't do tech support."
> : >
> : > I know of at least one ISP out there already doing this. Not that they're
> : > highly successful, but imagine not having to tell someone, "Yes, your
> : > username and password are case sensitive and must be spelled exactly as
> : > supplied. And it's .net, not .com" ever again.
> :
> : http://www.flex.com/
> :
> : Unfortunately, it looks like they took down the hate mail page, which was
> : hysterical. *sigh* They target clueful users only, and seem to be getting by
> : just fine. http://www.flex.com/adsl/ has a bit more of the "intelligent users
> : only" pitch.
> One of Hawaii's fun things...  ;-)
> http://www.flex.com/net_status/fan_con.html
> scott
> "sorry sir but i find AOL easy to use, i didnt know that since AOL is a
> helluva lot easier to use than freakin IE im considered computer
> illteritate, just quit bashing AOL, not all of us are sado-masochists."
> *heh* no need to comment, but it surely is begging for it... :-)

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