> > here's a plot showing the impact on BGP routing tables from seven ISPs 
> > (plotted using route-views data): 
> > http://www.research.att.com/~griffin/bgp_monitor/sql_worm.html
> And as an interesting counterpoint to this, this graph shows
> the number of BGP routing updates received at MIT before, during,
> and after the worm (3 day window).  Tim's plots showed that the
> number of actual routes at the routers he watched was down
> significantly - these plots show that the actual BGP traffic
> was up quite a bit.  Probably the withdrawals that were taking
> routes away from routeviews...
> http://nms.lcs.mit.edu/~dga/sqlworm.html
>   -Dave

Wow, for a minute I thought I was looking at one of our old plots, 
except for the fact that the x-axis says January 2003 and not 
September 2001  :) :)  

Your plot is consistent with what we saw on Saturday as well.  Looks 
much like a "little Nimda." 

Blast from the past:


James Cowie
Renesys Corporation

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