On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Bill Woodcock wrote:

>       On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
>     > > Lots of traffic on udp port 1434 coming in here via TW Telecom and Sprint
>     > > Looks like we may have a winner for DDoS of the year (so far)
>     > What kind of traffic levels are you seeing?
> I'm working on it for some friends, and I'm seeing about 900mbits/second
> on a gigabit link coming out of their hosting facility.  Lots and lots of
> Microsoft crap in there, I guess.

gotcha beat :) dual gig pipes, each with sustained 780mbps... from one
facility, 1.5+gbps sustained!!!

> Somebody remind me why Microsoft is still allowed to exist?

I think the reason is somewhere in layer8 eh?? Certianly NOT due to any
good technical reason.

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