On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 07:39:20PM -0500, Adam 'Starblazer' Romberg wrote:
> Yeah, speaking too quickly.
> *hides*

        I also typed a bit too quickly.

        I'm guessing due to the uprising they've pulled this.

        I was just going to call the dept of commerce tomorrow and
file a complaint myself.  perhaps I still will.

        - jared

% dig any rarrarrarrarblah.com. @f.gtld-servers.net.

; <<>> DiG 8.4 <<>> any rarrarrarrarblah.com. @f.gtld-servers.net. 
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 43204
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
;;      rarrarrarrarblah.com, type = ANY, class = IN

com.                    2D IN SOA       a.gtld-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. (
                                        2003091500      ; serial
                                        30M             ; refresh
                                        15M             ; retry
                                        1W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

;; Total query time: 213 msec
;; FROM: puck.nether.net to SERVER:
;; WHEN: Mon Sep 15 20:39:47 2003
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 38  rcvd: 111

> Thanks
> -a-
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Adam 'Starblazer' Romberg     Appleton: 920-738-9032
> System Administrator
> ExtremePC LLC    -=-  http://www.extremepcgaming.net
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Jared Mauch wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 07:28:51PM -0500, Adam 'Starblazer' Romberg wrote:
> > >
> > > Looks like they pulled it now.
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log$ host rarrarrarrarblah.com
> > > rarrarrarrarblah.com does not exist (Authoritative answer)
> >
> > ; <<>> DiG 8.4 <<>> any rarrarrarrarblah.com.
> > ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
> > ;; got answer:
> > ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58435
> > ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 13
> > ;;      rarrarrarrarblah.com, type = ANY, class = IN
> >
> > rarrarrarrarblah.com.   15M IN A
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.
> >

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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