> In other news, Verisign has a press release on their website announcing
> something called "Next Registration Rights Service," where you can place
> an order to have somebody else's domain transferred to you if they ever
> don't pay their bill.  The press release goes on to say that this is a
> great way for holders of existing domain names to buy insurance to protect
> themselves from the loss of their domain names if their bill doesn't get
> paid, but apparrently only if nobody beats them to it.
> -Steve

If you make the mistake of letting a domain reach the 'redemption' period
Verisign holds it hostage and dead for a couple of weeks unless you pay them
a $150 extortion fee to get it back.  Apparently ICANN approved the
redemption period and allows the registrar to set whatever fee they like.

I can not prove but I suspect that Verislime is now leaving expired domain
in the GTLD servers until they reach the redemption period in the hope that
people will not notice the domain not resolving until it reaches the
extortion period.

Why are we still putting up with this garbage from Verisign and ICANN?

Mark Radabaugh
(419) 720-3635

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