Dear Incredibly Bright Chaps over at Verisign,

I accidentally typed and
was redirected to a page that displayed your Terms
of Use for a platform that I have not signed up for, nor
do I wish to be signed up for:

By using the service(s) provided by VeriSign under these Terms of
Use, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by
all terms and conditions here in and documents incorporated by

I do not wish to be bound to your terms and I do not agree
with them. Please take this as notice of such.

Please can you remove the configuration that forces me to use
your "superb" service that is liable to cause more confusion for
net users who have eyes in their head and can see that they
have mis-typed something.

I do not wish to be bound to your terms of use as I do not wish
to use your service. You are forcing me to use this service by
the incredibly short sighted deployment of a wildcard domain
record for the NET TLD. Please confirm that you will remove
this configuration as soon as possible, there by not forcing me
to agree to terms for something that I don't want.


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