CLM> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 05:28:05 +0000 (GMT)
CLM> From: Christopher L. Morrow

CLM> Just because they hosts are on the same subnet and are
CLM> apparently behind the same end device for you doesn't make
CLM> them non-geographically diverse if they are really anycast
CLM> pods, does it? It really just means one anycast pod was down
CLM> for a time :(

Ideally, though, an anycast node should yank the route if the
service in question dies.  I say "ideally" because we still
haven't had DNS properly make friends with BGP... and such flaps
really shouldn't be seen, which means having a contiguous
internal network and [properly] decoupling IGP from EGP...

...and suddenly I'm making many assumptions. ;-)

CLM> It is one of the things that anycast makes difficult though
CLM> :(  Troubleshooting anycast from the outside is a bear.

It's a lot like multihoming, only with different geography.
Unicast IP addresses are analogous to world-facing router

Tip for anyone considering playing with anycast, particularly on
the same ethernet segment:  Bind the anycast IP addresses to your
loopback interface.

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