um, dude, can you say    ANYCAST.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 12:50:28AM -0400, Todd Vierling wrote:
> tld[12], the NS for .ORG, was completely unreachable for about
> an hour or two this evening, timing out on all DNS queries.  Anyone else see
> similar?  (The hosts are unpingable and untracerouteable, so I had to use
> DNS queries to determine when they were back up.)
> It makes me wonder how UltraDNS got a contract to manage the domain on all
> of two nameservers hosted on the same subnet, given that they were supposed
> to have deployed "geographically diverse" (or something like that) servers.
> But then, we know ICANN smokes the crack liberally at times....
> <sigh>
> -- 

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