Todd Vierling wrote:
> tld[12], the NS for .ORG, was completely unreachable for about
> an hour or two this evening, timing out on all DNS queries.  Anyone else see
> similar?  (The hosts are unpingable and untracerouteable, so I had to use
> DNS queries to determine when they were back up.)

At any given moment, UltraDNS (and I am sure other root and tld servers)
are under attack somewhere from someone. Additionally the monitors that
test each of the anycast nodes reported no outages. Neither did the
useful monitors that Rob Thomas runs at
( Nor did the many "helpful"
customers who use UltraDNS, and who run constant tests to each
individual anycast node in search of an SLA event that may provide a
service credit. ;-)

Perhaps you had a network problem internally?

> It makes me wonder how UltraDNS got a contract to manage the domain on all
> of two nameservers hosted on the same subnet, given that they were supposed
> to have deployed "geographically diverse" (or something like that) servers.

Fortunately ICANN and the other decision makers were actually network
clueful, and could tell that and are actually
different subnets ;-)

As an aside, using ping or traceroute at *any* time to see if dns
servers are working is not a great idea. 
Rodney Joffe
Speaking on behalf of no-one other himself.

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