> So here I am, asking if anyone here has any advice on dealing with these
> issues in the future?  Its painfully apparent noone takes these situations
> seriously enough.  What should we do when we are put in a position like
> this?  Just sit back and hope it goes away itself?
> Also, any ideas on how to deal with these attacks on lower bandwidth
> connections?  Right now, 2mbit.com / sosdg.org is sitting on a 1.5/256
> business DSL line.  I really can't afford to be buying T1s or T3s just to
> hold up to attacks like this.
> As always, thanks.
> --------------------------
> Brian Bruns
> The Summit Open Source Development Group

I think I would follow two avenues next time - the direct approach with FSU
(or wherever the traffic is coming from) as well as with your DSL provider.
Your upstream should be able to assist in at least keeping the traffic off
of your dedicated line.

Whether your DSL provider has the resources to sink the traffic may be
another matter  -- but they are at least in a position to help you and
(since you are paying them) have an interest in dealing with you.

Mark Radabaugh
(419) 720-3635

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