On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Brian Bruns wrote:

> So, now for the fun part.  Being offsite, I wasn't the one to place the
> calls, but my admin on site started with FSU's abuse desk.  No help
> whatsoever.  Claimed that because the abuse desk was gone, they had no
> authority to deal with the problem.  Frustrated, annoyed, and pissed off, he
> tried again, and got hung up on twice.  Nice people eh?

You were speaking with one of our 2nd shift operators. Unfortunately, our
2nd and 3rd operators are not hired on the basis of cluefulness, but for
their willingness to work these shifts and do so at minimal pay. They tend
to take things very literally, so despite the fact that we have network
admins on-call 7/24, unless it's reported as a "network problem" the
operators won't call.

This morning instructions have been issued (again) to treat security
incidents as "network problem" and act accordingly. Additionally, your
E-Mail has been  hardcopied and posted in the operator's area, along with
some not-for-public-consumption comments of my own.

> After hanging up with Qwest, we got a call back from FSU.  After a good 20
> minutes or so of talking with the net admin from FSU, things were finally
> set in motion.  After another good 10 minutes or so, connectivity was
> restored and everything was back to normal.  According to my guy,  they
> yanked the whole subnet at FSU.  Problem solved.

The computer's MAC was blocked at the switch.

Our apologies for this incident. We will continue trying to improve the
responsiveness of our 2nd and 3rd shift operations staff.

If all else fails, call me at home: 850-385-4725


Scott L. Stursa                                             850/644-2591
Network Security Officer                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Academic Computing and Network Services         Florida State University

                    - No good deed goes unpunished -

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