SD> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 22:04:58 -0500 (EST)
SD> From: Sean Donelan

SD> Would you rather ISPs spend money to
SD>     1. Deploying S-BGP?
SD>     2. Deploying uRPF?
SD>     3. Respond to incident reports?

Let's look at the big picture instead of a taking a shallow mutex

If SAV were universal (ha ha ha!), one could discount spoofed
traffic when analyzing flows.  But, hey, why bother playing nice
and helping other networks, eh?

Am I the only one who's had IWFs -- even legitimate entities --
complain about packets "from your network" that weren't?  It
certainly would have been nice if $other_networks had used SAV.

SAV doesn't take long to implement.  Considering the time spent
discounting spoofing when responding to incidents, I think there
would be a _net_ savings (no pun intended) in time spent
responding to incidents.

Alas, that requires cooperation and doesn't provide instantaneous
gratification.  If it doesn't make/save a quick buck, why bother?

Detection of sarcasm is left as an exercise to the reader.

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