removed paul from the direct reply since his mailserver doesn't like uunet
mail servers :)

On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:

> > smurf attacks are far from 'non-existent' today, however they are not as
> > popular as in 1999-2000-2001.
> thats interesting, i've not seen/heard of one for ages.. (guess u have a wider
> testing ground :)

just last week we had one... they do still happen.

> > In fact still shows almost 9k networks that are 'broken'.
> actually i just ran that file thro a quick awk and sort to see to what extent
> these networks exist..
> as you can see almost all only reply two or three times, not like in the old
> days with >100 replies being commonplace..

Sure, but a list of 9k networks with this leve of response is still enough
to do damage. It's getting better, no doubt about it but it's still a

(formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED])
## UUNET Technologies, Inc.                          ##
## Manager                                           ##
## Customer Router Security Engineering Team         ##
## (W)703-886-3823 (C)703-338-7319                   ##

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