CLM> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 01:32:51 +0000 (GMT)
CLM> From: Christopher L. Morrow

CLM> in a perfect world yes[...]
CLM> Until this is a default behaviour and you can't screw it up
CLM> (ala directed-broadcast) this will be something we all have
CLM> to deal with.

Yes.  But the only way we'll get there is 1) a flag day or 2) if
we gradually work in that direction.

CLM> it melts routers, good enough for you? Specifically it
CLM> melts linecards :(


CLM> This is a problem that could be migrated out as new
CLM> equipment/capabilities hit everyone's networks. I suspect
CLM> that market pressure will push things in this direction
CLM> anyway over time.

...and hopefully will be safe-by-default.  Anyone who has
multihomed downstreams should be clued enough to disable strict
SAV as needed -- similar to, yet the opposite of, manually
configuring OSPF to treat interfaces as passive by default.

As for low-end routers, uRPF is supported on 26xx.  I don't know
about a 16xx or 25xx... a scary thought, but chances are such a
router would have a very small list of reachable netblocks to

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