On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 02:01:45PM -0400, Jerry Eyers wrote:
> >Spamming is pervasive mainly due to the inattention or failure to enforce
> >acceptable use policies by the service provider. 
> I must point out that this statement is just flat wrong.
> Spamming exists because spamming works.  Why do spammers send
> out millions of emails?  Because thousands of people click, look at, and
> subscribe to services and products being spewed by the spammers.
> If spamming didn't sell products, spamming would die off.  We must
> educate the users to not do anything with spam but delete it.  As from
> the sucess of infomercials on television shows, that won't happen
> anytime soon.

I think you are 'right on'. I offer this observation, first
triggered by a third-hand report from some sociologists:
        A while back, I was getting frequent spams for breast enlargement and
        the like, along with some penis-related products. The breast related
        spam has totally vanished today, but viagra/penis spam is arriving
        continuously. The sociologist had noted that some societal trends and
        indicators could be read by looking at what is being offered. Apparently
        the market for breast-related products in the world of spam-receivers
        just wasn't there, so spamming for breasts seems to have ceased.

> Jerry

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