First time user of the "net" in '87 when CompuServe announced it to its denizens.
Thank [deity] for Micro$oft or we'd have to get a real job.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Henry Yen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: Microsoft XP SP2 (was Re: Lazy network operators - NOT)

> On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 08:50:34AM +0300, Petri Helenius wrote:
> > > Let's face it -- this shouldn't have to be the ISP's problem.
> > > Microsoft needs to quit rushing out new OS releases without properly
> > > straining them and stress testing to find as many holes as they can.
> > > They need to start cracking down on themselves and really start
> > > worrying about securing their OS and patching it as much as possible
> > > before throwing it to market.
> >
> > Itīs very challenging to say that the worldīs most profitable company
> > should do anything significantly different.
> s/most profitable company/convicted (and continuing) OS\&browser monopolist/
> Still feel the same?
> > Putting out releases and
> > letting marketing to address security concerns brings in billions. Not
> > putting out release will make less money.
> Forcing OEM pre-loads is where they get most of their money.  Maybe
> if they spent less on money-losing ventures like X-Box and WebTV,
> and maybe if they spent their R&D $Billions more wisely, and further
> if they spent less time and money knifing others' babies and put
> more genuine effort into it...
> > This is not that they would not be "trying their best". There is just a
> > very justifiable business decision between what we would like the best
> > to be and what it needs to be to keep their money machine running.
> Well, if they would just admit as such ("Keep the Money Machine Running!"),
> instead of offering endless platitudes and excuses (and FUD) and
> press releases about how much $money they are donating (yeah, right)
> to libraries and schools and ...
> -- 
> Henry Yen                                       Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
> Senior Systems Programmer                       Hicksville, New York

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