On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 08:50:34AM +0300, Petri Helenius wrote:
> > Let's face it -- this shouldn't have to be the ISP's problem. 
> > Microsoft needs to quit rushing out new OS releases without properly 
> > straining them and stress testing to find as many holes as they can. 
> > They need to start cracking down on themselves and really start 
> > worrying about securing their OS and patching it as much as possible 
> > before throwing it to market. 
> Itīs very challenging to say that the worldīs most profitable company 
> should do anything significantly different.

s/most profitable company/convicted (and continuing) OS\&browser monopolist/

Still feel the same?

> Putting out releases and 
> letting marketing to address security concerns brings in billions. Not 
> putting out release will make less money.

Forcing OEM pre-loads is where they get most of their money.  Maybe
if they spent less on money-losing ventures like X-Box and WebTV,
and maybe if they spent their R&D $Billions more wisely, and further
if they spent less time and money knifing others' babies and put
more genuine effort into it...

> This is not that they would not be "trying their best". There is just a 
> very justifiable business decision between what we would like the best 
> to be and what it needs to be to keep their money machine running.

Well, if they would just admit as such ("Keep the Money Machine Running!"),
instead of offering endless platitudes and excuses (and FUD) and
press releases about how much $money they are donating (yeah, right)
to libraries and schools and ...

Henry Yen                                       Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Systems Programmer                       Hicksville, New York

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