
Unfortunately, one day 1,000,000 users will find in their mail boxes fully
automated CD with 'Microsoft Update' on the label and 1,000 viruses /
trojans inside. -:)

> >>
> Patches either need to be of a size that a dialup user doesn't have to
> be dialed in for 24 hours to download and install them.  Or .iso's
> should be available for ISP's to download, turn into CD's and
> distribute as appropriate. Wouldn't that be nice for a dialup user -
> getting Windows Update on a CD-ROM from their ISP?
> <<
> It shouldn't be just windows update which of course doesn't patch office
> etc., it should be a fully automated cd that the user pops in and it
> autoupdates ALL MICROSOFT PRODUCTS that are installed and it should do it
> without asking for the stupid office CDs..
> Geo.

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