On Apr 19, 2004, at 4:10 AM, Michael Painter wrote:

First time user of the "net" in '87 when CompuServe announced it to its denizens.
Thank [deity] for Micro$oft or we'd have to get a real job.

I hear this a lot and it is such BS. Does anyone here HONESTLY believe the "computer revolution" was caused by MS alone and would never have happened without them?

Microsoft *might* have made it happen slightly faster than without them, but a good argument can be made that MS actually set back the software industry in many ways, from stifling competition & innovation to the current mess with uneducated users and a homogeneous OS.

The truth is, we will not know if things are better or worse because of MS. But it is no _no way_ a slam dunk one way or the other.


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