On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Erik Haagsman wrote:

I've always personally taken anyone who said "but I'm an MCSE" with a grain of salt. I've had equal respect for the A-plus and Net-Plus certifications, which are basically bought.

I used to have more trust in the /CC../ certifications but I find I may be laughing those off too quite soon.

MCSE - Microsoft-claimed Substitute for Experience.
A-Plus - The only possible grade in a pass/fail test.
Net-Plus - An accounting term for "how can we net more money with this bull**** certification"

Not one of the above properly teaches you how to run, say, DNS correctly (my opinions on the Active Directory DNS butchery notwithstanding).

I'm sure in time I'll come up with others sometime after I have to argue with green CC.. people who think the paper makes them infallible and prove them wrong with a 20-second search of cisco.com.

Hmm..we're flooded by CCNA's and CCNP's that often hardly know how logon to a router as it is, so this will probably add a lot more, a bit like the MCSE craze a few years ago ;-) When they say training thousands of students, they're not talking thousands of CCIE-level specialists that actually know what they're doing. If anything it looks like we should feel sorry for people working production for Cisco since it looks like production will be completely based in China in the not too far future.



On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 01:49, Nicole wrote:

Lovely, Just lovely. Just heard On CNN, Lou Dobbs. (but can't find it on their site)

 During a Beijing news conference John Chambers (Cisco CEO) Says "We believe in
giving something back and truly becoming a Chineese company."  "China will
become the IT center or the world" "China will become the largest economy in the

 CNN Reports: Cisco is investing 32 Million into Changi and is training
10's of thousands of Chineese university students in Cisco technology.

So.. I guess we will be cranking out those H1b's...Plan to kiss your raises and or jobs bye bye to some specialized cheap imported Cisco trained networking person from China.



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 "Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems."
   - Linus Torvalds
Erik Haagsman
Network Architect
We Dare BV
tel: +31.10.7507008
fax: +31.10.7507005


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all over her neck. You gotta keep her out of those woods.  If one more
leech gets her, she's gonna get a smack."

-Someone's Mother, December 18th, 1998

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