Hi Joseph,

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 13:19, Joseph wrote:
>   Your perception of Americans I think is very skewed by the media.
> You obviously did not read my post and wanted take a cheap shot.

Although this is hardly the place to discuss this, I never said
Americans, I said "we". I'm Dutch, and we've got an equal amount of
people whining about the same problems, thinking we'll be invaded and
robbed from jobs because Poland joins the EU and Philips and CMG
out-source to China and India. It's the same everywhere in the Western
world, and my message was not intended as an attack on either an
invidual or one country and it's people. 
I realise this is very generalising, but the majority of the people in
all our countries couldn't care less if we rob the rest of the world
blind, until there's a slight possibility they might actually be
affected themselves. 

>   Hmmm. I had no idea there were only 2 networking companies, 1
> database and 1 OS. =) With the rich competitive nature of the market I
> will continue to support companies which conform to a baseline of
> ethical business practice for all workers worldwide. 

I would like to do the same, but the fact of the matter is that in some
key areas there's not much choice, especially when it comes to
hardware...unless I've missed something I haven't seen an Open-Source
carrier-grade routing system that can rival C or J's, and just about any
commercial hardware manufacturer in the world has a production plant in
one third world country or another, or at least uses loads of low-priced
parts (memory, IC's etc.) that are manufactured in those same places.
There's no escaping it if you're working in networking and IT.

Kind regards,

Erik Haagsman
Network Architect
We Dare BV
tel: +31(0)10 7507008
fax:+31(0)10 7507005

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