On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 03:53, Joseph wrote:
> Its time for all American Tech workers to stand up and let our voices
> be heard.

Perhaps it's time instead to make sure you're good at what you do and
try to be on the forefront of tech, rather than whining about how all
those bad people from abroad are stealing your job. It's largely our own
fault labour pricing in large outsourcing countries like India are so
low, and now it's coming back to bite some of us.

>  We as world citizens need to come to grips with the fact that we must
> compete with workers internationally but we should be doing so on FAIR
> playing field. 

Strangely people only start calling for a level, fair playing field when
they feel something's threatening their own little piece of the cake. If
most companies and governments we're happy to work for wouldn't have
been undermining other people's economies for ages, we wouldn't have
this problem and we would have a more or less fair playing field. But
now practices that we still are making money of is making our companies
stronger, but our workforce weaker, so in the long term probably our
overall economy will be weaker. Anyone else see the irony here..?

> Don't Support Outsourcing, Don't buy from companies that outsource US
> jobs.

Hmm...let me see now, no Juniper, no Cisco, no Oracle, no Microsoft,
basically not a single vendor left...ah yes, we should just stop working
completely and dismantle the Internet, that might just do the trick.



Erik Haagsman
Network Architect
We Dare BV
tel: +31(0)10 7507008
fax:+31(0)10 7507005

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