> >The way to fix things is to remove the incentives to move the jobs 
> >overseas in the first place.
> So are you suggesting wages (and standard of living) in America are 
> reduced to the level of those in the 3rd world?

A beginning software engineer in Bangalore makes 15,000 Rupees
per month which is about $330 USD. On the other hand, he can afford
to hire one or two full-time servants to look after his
apartment, cleaning, cooking, driving him home from the bars
when he's had one too many.

Is this a higher standard of living or a lower one?
Many Indian citizens who emigrated to the USA have returned
home because they want to INCREASE their standard of living.

Let's just agree that lifestyles in different countries
are different and diversity is a better thing than forcing
everyone to adopt American standards and lifestyle. Many of
us on this list are not Americans and many of us have had
a taste of the American lifestyle and decided that life is
better elsewhere.


And now we come to the Internet. This is the great enabler
that allows people to live where they want and still participate
in the modern world, work in challenging occupations and
lead an intellectually fulfilling lifestyle without the
constraints of geography. For the past 12 years I have been
doing everything that I can to support this type of Internet
and I'm now quite confident that it has enough momentum that
not even the members of this mailing list are capable of 
stopping it. The Internet today is like the big wave
and nobody will stop it. This list is for people who
want to ride the wave and find a fulfilling career doing so.

If you really want to try and stop the wave, go ahead,
but I think you should do that work elsewhere.

--Michael Dillon

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